Website regulations – Terms of use and privacy

Your privacy is important to us, before using the website and ordering the services we offer, we ask you to carefully read our regulations detailing the terms of use of the website and our services, as well as our mechanism for maintaining your privacy.


Terms of Use


By using the site, and entering personal details in the site’s systems, the user declares that the terms of use below are agreed upon and accepted as a condition for using this site and for the services provided through the site:

According to Article 13 of the EU Bylaws 679 \ 2016, which includes instructions for the retention and use of personal information, the personal information provided by you is intended to be used by the aforementioned bylaws and procedures recognized by law.

We declare that:

  • Holder Personal Information:  Romio M.A Srls, Address: Via Torre Dello Stinco, Roma , Italia, Email address:, Phone: +39-3207823557.
  • Usage Expectancy: The personal information provided by you is required exclusively for the management of the reservation to be used by Romeo’s brokerage service to book transport services and guided tours in Rome, and by the lawfully accepted reception and use.
  • Delivery of information, refusal, and cancellation: The provision of personal information is necessary for the management and provision of the requested service, and the refusal to provide the personal information causes the need to cancel the agreement between Romio and the service applicant.
  • How to use and preserve the information: The use of the information will be done analogously (sheet of paper) and digitally (using informatics software), by section 32 of GDPR 679 \ 2016 regarding the obligation to preserve personal information by the operator or entities subject to it, and subject to section 29 GDPR 679 \ 2016: While respecting the legal principles, the restriction on the minimum use of details (by Article 5 of GDPR 679 \ 2016, which requires the use of full and free consent by the submitter of the information expressed by these regulations, the personal information will be used and stored for the amount of time required to perform the service for which they are Given, and by the amount of time allowed by law).
  • Connection and Distribution Aspects: The collected data will not be disseminated and will not be published without the consent of the ethics, except for the data needed to conduct shuttle services and guided tours, and by the law and the authority granted. Specifically, some of the data will be disclosed to a third party that provides the service for the Company and that data is necessary for providing the service, and that operator will be required to maintain the personal information by the law.
  • Special categories of personal information: By Articles 9 and 10 of EU 679/2016, there are “special groups of personal information”, those which reveal a person’s ethnic affiliation, public opinion, religious or philosophical views, For unions and social groups, as well as genetic, biometric data that reveal a person, data concerning his health, gender, and sexual orientation, and details of criminal charges, criminal history. This data can only be held by the operator by the free will and consent of the moral, expressed through consent to these articles.
  • The existence of automatic filtering and “profiling”: Romio  M.A Srls does not perform customer profiling steps, or automatic filtering of the data, according to Article 22, paragraphs 1 and 4 of EU Regulations UE 679 \ 2016.
  • Moral rights: At any moment, by Articles 15 and 22 of EU 679 \ 2016:

A. Request confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal information in the system.

B. Get information about the nature of the data and the reasons for using it, the entities or parties to whom this information will be sent, as well as the validity of the information retention in the system.

C. Ask to fix or delete the details from the system.

D. Ask to restrict the use of details.

E. Receive the information in a digital format to send it to another operator.

F. Reject the use of details and cancellation at any moment.

G. Reject the use of automated detection and filtering methods, such as “profiling”.

H. Cancellation of consent to use at any given moment, revoking the first consent to use.

J. Filing a complaint to a supervisory body.

These rights can be exercised through a written request to be sent to the service holder.

Following these Terms, I declare that:

  1. I have read and fully understood these Terms and Conditions, and allow the use of personal information belonging to the Generic Personal Information Group and special personal information (or sensitive information) to use the Romio M.A Srls Intermediary Service to use transportation services and guided Tours.
  2. In addition, I am aware of my right to opt out of the use of the details.
  3. I am aware of the use of personal information by Romio M.A Srls for commercial activities, advertisements, marketing, and commercial offers by using the format of forms, telephones, e-mail, social networks, and more, for marketing the company’s products and services.
  4. I am aware of the use of personal information and transmission of it to third parties, public bodies, or private service providers, by the reasons described in the Bylaws and subject to the law.

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